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Arrival in Göttingen: Buddy Service of the University

A very warm welcome to Göttingen!
Upon arrival in University town of Göttingen, the Buddy Service of Göttingen University can be used for orientation purposes. University students will pick you up at the train station or meet you on site, accompany you to your apartment and support you with some first information about the living environment.

Exchange students can register here. Registrationis non-binding.

You should also use this service to obtain your room key for your dorm room.

Living in a dormitory of the Studierendenwerk


Contact with the responsible dormitory administration before and during you stay is made by telephone or e-mail. If direct contact is unavoidable, you must make an appointment in advance by telephone or e-mail.

Key delivery

If possible, you should make use the Buddy Service of the university to receive the key. A limited number of key safes are also available to give you access to the apartment key outside normal working hours. Please contact the administration of your dormitory if you want to use this option.

Rules of conduct in the dormitory

In our dormitories the current rules of conduct must be strictly and consistently observed.